Important information

This important information is general in nature and your circumstances may be different. If you are in doubt about whether or not a particular provision applies to you or if you simply would like further information, please call us on 1300 369 901.

While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the information displayed here is accurate, the Trustee reserves the right to correct any error or omission.

Account Activity

The Account Activity section shows information relating to the following important account actions and notices:

  • Alerts
  • Contributions
  • Initial Deposits (pensions)
  • Payments
  • Deductions and;
  • Messages

The account activity may, if applicable to your account, show up to two years of your transaction history relating to the above actions and notices. For a more detailed listing relating to a specific activity type, you can either click on a specific icon or access sections via the internal navigation buttons.

Below is a summary of the information within each section of the activity stream, aimed at providing you with an understanding of each and how they relate to your account.


Member alerts are prompts from us when there is information missing from your account that could help us to both serve you better and to ensure you are getting the most out of your account. Think of it like a profile builder, the information we prompt you for here will ensure your profile is as complete as possible. Alerts may not be displayed in real time, if you have any questions about a specific transaction or request, please call us on 1300 369 901.


Your employer makes contributions on your behalf to your super account. But these contributions alone may not be enough to help you sustain a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. You can boost your super through personal voluntary contributions and by consolidating any other super accounts you may have. We suggest you contact the EISS Financial Planning team on 1300 369 901 before making any final decisions.

We show you a breakdown of the contributions made to your account. Any contributions shown are before any tax has been deducted or allowances made for any available tax deduction (gross amounts).

If you received any Government Co-Contributions from the Australian Taxation Office, these will be included in your Member Voluntary Post-Tax contributions.

Once we receive and validate your contributions, they are usually credited to your account within five business days (once we have received complete information from you or your employer).

Important note: Please be aware, any contributions banked within the few days prior to 30 June may not appear in your concessional contribution totals until your account is reconciled as part of the annual review process. Amounts are subject to change.

Annual Contribution Caps

Annual Contribution Caps apply across all super accounts you hold both within and outside of EISS Super, including both accumulation and pension accounts. It is important to consider your personal circumstances before making additional contributions.

You are responsible for making sure you do not exceed your Annual Contributions Caps. The information displayed within your Account Activity and also on the Contribution Caps page should not be relied on for monitoring contributions against your Annual Contribution Caps. For assistance, please call us on 1300 369 901 for your total year to date contributions and to find out if you're reaching your annual contribution cap.

Important note: You should be aware that if you contribute or others contribute on your behalf to super or pension accounts outside of EISS Super we won’t be able to provide you your total year to date contributions. We will only be able to advise you about your contributions to your account with us.

Contribution Splits

If you are eligible to undertake contribution splitting, you will be able to transfer eligible contributions to an account in the name of a spouse in a complying super fund.

Initial Investment to your EISS Pension Account (if applicable)

If you have an EISS Pension account, your initial investment will display in this section.

If you selected more than one investment option at the time of commencing your pension, the initial investment amount will show the amount initially invested for each chosen investment option.

You may only make one contribution to your EISS Pension account. Any additional contribution will give rise to a new and separate pension.

Important note: The amount shown in this section is gross of tax but net of fees (if any).


Depending on the conditions relating to your member account, a number of taxes and fees may be payable on your super account. We will show you these fees and taxes in the Deductions section.

It is important to provide us with your Tax File Number; otherwise you may pay more tax than you have to. Check your Personal Details page to see whether you've provided your Tax File Number.

Any fees and insurance premiums shown are gross, meaning the amount shown is your balance before any tax has been deducted or allowances made for any available tax deduction.

Any deductions shown may not reflect all of the conditions and deductions that may apply to your account. The information provided is an estimate only and may change as deductions are processed. This estimate does not include deductions that have not yet been processed. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this estimate is correct, we reserve the right to correct any error or omission.

For full information on how fees and deductions are calculated, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement or if you'd prefer, you can call us to obtain a copy on 1300 369 901.


In the Messages section, you can view the status of requests received from you or on your behalf for your account. You can also view any correspondence we've sent you. Messages may not be displayed in real time, if you have any questions about a specific transaction or request, please call us on 1300 369 901.