Important information
This important information is general in nature and your circumstances may be different. If you are in doubt about whether or not a particular provision applies to you or if you would like further information, please call us on 1300 369 901.
As a member of EISS Super, you may be entitled to receive an insured amount as part of your super if you die or become disabled. EISS Super provides for two levels of cover as follows:
Default Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Cover which is automatically provided and comprises of:
- Three (3) units of Cover if your Age Next Birthday is between 16 and 45 years, or two (2) units of Cover if your Age Next Birthday is between 46 and 65 years; and
Voluntary Insurance Cover, which you need to apply and be approved for which is additional to any Default Cover and can comprise of:
- Lump sum Death Only Cover;
- Lump Sum TPD Only Cover;
- Lump sum Death and TPD Cover; and
- Salary Continuance Insurance (SCI).
Your insured amount varies according to your Age Next Birthday for Default Cover and is a fixed dollar amount for any additional Voluntary Cover.
Please note, any insurance cover you have is subject to the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy and payment of any of the above benefits is subject to assessment by the Insurer.
Key Terms:
Depending on your super account, the following may apply to you. Please read your PDS for more information.
1. Death Benefit: As a member, if you die, your super (including any insurance you have) will be paid to your beneficiaries or your Estate.
2. Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Benefit: As a member, if you become totally and permanently disabled, your super (including any insurance you have) can be paid to you subject to Superannuation Law.
3. If you have applied for and obtained voluntary SCI cover, you may apply to receive your monthly Salary Continuance benefit in the event that you are temporarily disabled.
If you currently have insurance cover, your total benefit, including the insured amount, may be shown on the Dashboard. Note that depending on your benefit design, some insurance options may not be displayed.
If the Dashboard states "not applicable" in any of the columns, this may mean that you do not have that type of insurance, or you have cancelled your cover. Your insured amount may also be displayed as $0.00 or ‘No Cover’ because of this.
Protecting Your Superannuation Package changes mean we can no longer provide you with insurance through super if your account has been inactive for 16 months or more and you haven’t opted-in to keep or receive your insurance through your EISS Super account. Your account is considered inactive if you have not received any contributions or rollovers into your account for 16 months.
If your account has been inactive we will contact you and provide you details of how you can opt-in to continue your cover.
Please refer to your Product Disclosure Statement and other member documents available on the EISS Super website for specific information about your cover. If you have any questions or would like more information, you can call us on 1300 369 901.
Important information about your insured amount
Default Cover
Default Cover has certain exclusions and limitations and Default Cover that commences will be Limited Cover until you are at work for 60 consecutive days following the date Default Cover commenced if a SG contribution is received within 180 days of Default Cover commencing or in all other cases 12 months.
Voluntary Insurance Cover
To apply for any type of Voluntary Insurance Cover you will need to complete the ‘Member’s Personal Statement’ form available at or by contacting us. All applications are subject to assessment by our Insurer. If you are accepted for Voluntary Insurance Cover, any claim you make for an insured benefit payable under the Policy will be assessed by the Insurer.
To cancel your existing Voluntary Insurance Cover you will need to complete the corresponding form available at
Important information about your total benefit
The estimate of your total benefit provided on this website does not describe all of the conditions affecting the amount and its availability. Your total benefit is determined in accordance with the Trust Deed, Trustee determinations, Government regulations and the benefit design of EISS Super. The estimate should therefore be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement or any other member materials you have received from the Trustee.
The estimate does not guarantee that you will receive a particular benefit and is based on information available to the Trustee at the time this calculation has been processed. The unit prices used when paying your benefit will be those available at the time your benefit is processed by the Administrator. If you have requested an investment switch which has not been processed or have a surcharge assessment that is not yet effective, this will affect the benefit displayed here.
While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the information contained in this estimate is correct, the Trustee reserves the right to correct any error or omission. You should not enter any commitments based solely on the information contained in this estimate.
If any of your personal details are incorrect, the total benefit estimate may be affected. If you have any queries concerning your estimate or further information about your benefit, please call us on 1300 369 901.