Important information

Nominating a preferred beneficiary

If you have funds in Category A or Category C accounts, the scheme offers you the opportunity to select the person or people you'd like to receive your superannuation payout if you die while in service. The person or people listed on this website are those currently recorded as your beneficiaries.

Although the Manager will normally be guided by your wishes with regard to nominated beneficiaries, the Manager has absolute discretion in deciding to whom and in what shares the benefit is paid.

It's important that you keep your nominated beneficiaries up to date and consistent with your Will and if your personal circumstances change.

You should review your beneficiaries if you get married, divorced or when you have children, or at any other time your personal circumstances change.

If you are a Category B member and you die while a member of the scheme, your superannuation will be paid to your estate, so you do not have the option to nominate a beneficiary (unless you also have funds in Category A and Category C accounts in which case you may nominate beneficiaries for these accounts).