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Choosing how your money is invested and an appropriate investment strategy for your needs may make a difference to achieving your savings goals.
Press 'Edit' on the Investments page to update either your Current Investments or your Future Contributions.
Under either of these options (in edit mode), you will be able to view the full investment menu. By clicking on the investment option name you will find out more about that option. The Each investment option is assigned a Risk Indicator.
Managed funds in New Zealand must have a standard risk indicator. The risk indicator is designed to help investors understand the uncertainties both for loss and growth that may affect their investment. You can compare funds using the risk indicator.
The risk indicator is rated from 1 (low) to 7 (high). The rating reflects how much the value of the fund’s assets goes up and down (volatility). A higher risk generally means higher potential returns over time, but more ups and downs along the way. Additional details about risk indicators and some of the risks of investing can be found in the product disclosure statement.
Note that even the lowest category does not mean a risk-free investment, and there are other risks that are not captured by this rating. Additional details about risk indicators and some of the risks of investing can be found in the Product Disclosure Statement for your scheme in the Documents section.
The risk indicator is not a guarantee of a fund’s future performance. The risk indicator is generally based on the returns data for the last five years or a combination of market index and actual returns (where applicable). Please note risk indicators do shift from time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator in the latest fund update for the relevant fund.
Some of the things that may cause the fund’s value to move up and down, which affect the risk indicator, are: investment portfolio and asset class risk, market risk, currency risk and interest rate risk.
You should check you are comfortable with the risks and potential losses associated with your chosen investment option(s).
Changes to your current account balance and your investment strategy for your future contributions and transfers need to be completed separately.
You can change your current investment strategy for your current account balance. Your current strategy for your future contributions and transfers won’t change.
You can change your future contribution investment strategy. Your current account balance won’t change.
To change both your current account balance and your investment strategy for your future contributions and transfers you will need to complete two separate transactions.
Note: when viewing percentages in any investment choice, please note that this site can only display whole numbers. As a result, if your account is invested across multiple investment options, the percentages may not total 100%.
Assets shown do not include any withdrawal fees that may be payable if you leave us. This means that there may be a difference between the assets shown on the Investments page and the totals on the Account Balance page.