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For KiwiSaver and superannuation accounts the balance may consists of money which cannot generally be accessed until you reach retirement age, are permanently disabled, or die (e.g. a preserved amount). The estimate of your account balance provided on this website does not describe all of the conditions affecting your account and the availability of the balance. Your account balance will be determined in accordance with the relevant Trust Deed, trustee determinations and applicable legislation and regulations. Your account balance is an estimate; the Manager does not guarantee you will receive this particular amount as it is subject to market movement. Therefore it should be considered in conjunction with the information contained in the Product Disclosure Statement and other documents sent to you.
If you are a defined benefit member and have recently ceased employment or elected Choice of Fund, the quotations provided on this website may not accurately reflect your benefit if notice of your cessation of employment or the effective date of your Choice of Fund has not yet been received and fully processed by us.
Your account balance is based on information available to the Manager at the time the calculation has been processed. At the time of payment, your account balance may be:
While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the information contained in the estimate of your account balance is correct, the Manager reserves the right to correct any error or omission. You should not enter any commitments based solely on the estimate of your account balance.
If any of your personal details are incorrect, the estimate of your account balance may be affected. If you require further information or a confirmation of the estimate of your benefit, please call us on 0508 637 237 or +61 3 8687 1886 if calling from outside of New Zealand.
Your retirement estimate is provided by the Retirement Income Simulator. This Simulator provides estimates on two important questions:
The Retirement Income Simulator:
The retirement estimate shows your current balance plus three results:
The simulator cannot take into account:
The projections shown are intended as a guide only, based on the information you input, and should not be used in isolation to make financial decisions. This simulator does not take into account your personal objectives or your own financial situation and it cannot determine your actual final benefit or income. Before making any decisions about your super or any other financial product, you should consider seeking advice from a licensed financial adviser and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
You can access the Retirement Income Simulator from the Tools page. Detailed information about the simulator's assumptions and inputs is available once you start using the simulator - simply click 'View' in the menu bar and select 'More Information'.
This simulator has been prepared by Mercer Financial Advice (Australia)Pty Ltd (MFAAPL) ABN 76 153 168 293. Any information contained in thissimulator is of a general nature only and does not take into account thepersonal needs and circumstances of any particular individual. Thissimulator does not provide a view as to whether or not any particular fundmight be suitable for any particular individual. Prior to acting on anyinformation contained in this simulator, you need to take into account yourown financial circumstances, consider the product disclosure statement forany product you are considering, and seek advice from a financial adviser ifyou are unsure what action to take.
To the extent permitted by law, Mercer (N.Z.) Ltd, MFAAPL, their directors,officers, employees and related bodies corporate exclude any liability forany loss, damage (including any consequential loss or damage), claimsand expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence orsettlement costs) suffered or incurred by you directly or indirectly arisingout of or in connection with your reliance on the information provided in thecalculator or the estimates obtained using the calculator, whether incontract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise.
The Retirement Income Simulator is not intended as an advertisement for any product issued by Mercer (N.Z.) Ltd, MFAAPL, or any of its related entities.
Copyright 2021 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.