Generally if you die, your superannuation entitlement will be paid to your personal representatives who are the executors of your will, or to the administrators of your estate. If your Plan allows, you may nominate the person or people you would like Mercer to consider as the recipient of your entitlement (a beneficiary). If there is someone that you'd like to receive your entitlement if you die while a member of the Plan, rather than your estate, it's important that we know who you have chosen.

Please check your current nominations to make sure they reflect your wishes. You can find out more by reading the Your Plan Details document, or by contacting the Mercer Helpline on 0508 637 237. The law does not require Mercer to pay your entitlement as you have set it out in your nominations, but Mercer will of course consider your nominations when paying your entitlement.

I agree to provide my email address and:

  •  I acknowledge that it will be used to send me confirmation of this transaction once my request has been processed. I also agree that Mercer may use these details in the future to send me information concerning my account electronically (unless I have otherwise told Mercer).
  • I understand I can change my preference for receiving confirmation at any time by updating my personal details information via the update personal details page on the classic site, or by calling us on 0508 637 237.

If my email bounces, I acknowledge that I will be issued with a paper-based confirmation letter and that the email address recorded for my account will be removed. If this occurs, I will be prompted to provide an updated email the next time I log in to my account and access the personal details page.