This important information relates to many customers’ accounts; their circumstances may be different from yours. If you are in doubt about whether or not a particular provision applies to you or if you simply would like further information, please call us on 0508 637 237.

Providing up to date information about Your Personal Details is really important. Your Personal Details shows the most up to date information on you, including information on your:

1. Contact Details (your name, email, phone number and address);
2. Inland Revenue number status;
3. Any linked accounts (if applicable);
4. Employer details (if applicable); and
5. Key account information

If any of the information we have about you is not up to date and you would like to change it, you can update it by pressing 'Edit'. If you can't change the information on this page, please call us on 0508 637 237.

Please be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for your request or changes to be shown in your personal details page. Alternatively, please call us on 0508 637 237 to request for these changes to be made.

Contact Details

It is important we have the most up to date information about your contact details. You can update your email address. Your email will be updated on any listed linked accounts, where you have asked us to update by checking the box 'I would like to apply these updates to the accounts below'.

You can update your contact phone and address details. These updates will only apply to any listed linked accounts where you have asked us to update, by checking the box 'I would like to apply these updates to the accounts below'.

By providing your email address and/or mobile phone number you:

  • Acknowledge that it will be used to send you information concerning your account electronically (unless you have otherwise told us). We can send you material electronically (which may include a link to a website from where it can be downloaded) including annual reports, account and exit statements, notices of material changes or occurrence of significant events, publications and (unless you have requested not to do so) for marketing and research purposes
  • Understand you can change your preference for receiving confirmation at any time by updating Your Personal Details via this page, or by calling us
  • Acknowledge that if your email bounces, you will be issued with a paper-based confirmation letter and that the email address recorded for your account will be removed. If this occurs, you will be prompted to provide an updated email address next time you log into your account