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This important information may relate to your super accounts; we have not taken into consideration your own personal financial circumstances, objectives and needs as your circumstances may be different to other members. If you are in doubt about whether or not a particular provision applies to you or if you simply would like further information, please call us on 1800 021 227.
If you would like someone to help consider your needs before you change your investment strategy you should speak with a licensed or appropriately authorised financial adviser. You should also consider the Product Disclosure Statement, available on the Product Information page.
Nominating Beneficiaries
You can nominate one or more of your dependants and/or your legal personal representative as a preferred beneficiary, you can nominate your spouse as your reversionary beneficiary or make a binding nomination. The most appropriate beneficiary nomination depends on your personal circumstances.
There may be taxation and other implications in nominating a beneficiary, so we suggest that you seek professional advice before doing so.
Preferred beneficiary
Where you make a preferred beneficiary nomination, we will take into account your nomination, but it will not be binding. In this situation, in the event of your death, we will pay your benefit to your dependants or legal personal representative in proportions determined by us whilst giving consideration to your preferred nomination.
This allows us to take account of any changes to your personal situation even if you did not previously advise us of these changes.
A dependant is defined as:
Your spouse as defined in the Superannuation Law which generally includes:
Any person with whom you have an interdependency relationship. This will occur where you have a close personal relationship with another person (whether or not related by family) and:
It will also occur where you have a close personal relationship with another person but due to a disability the other criteria of interdependency cannot be met.
Binding nomination
If at the time of your death, you have a valid binding nomination, we are bound to pay benefits in accordance with your instructions. A binding nomination must comply with superannuation law requirements to be valid and there are restrictions on who can be nominated as a beneficiary.
A binding nomination will expire three years after the nomination is made. If a binding death nomination expires or becomes invalid for any reason, we will no longer be bound by it. We will, however, take it into account in deciding how to pay your benefit. The Binding Nomination form is available on the Forms page or by calling us on 1800 021 227.
Reversionary beneficiary
You can nominate your spouse (including your legally married partner or your de facto partner of the opposite or same sex) to receive your pension as an income stream after your death. In the event of your death, your pension will revert to your spouse and pension payments will continue until the account balance is fully paid out or your spouse closes the account. You can nominate a reversionary beneficiary on commencement of your pension, or at any time whilst your benefits are held in the pension. It’s important to tell us if your circumstances change and you wish to cancel your reversionary beneficiary. We are bound to pay your benefits in accordance with your reversionary beneficiary instructions if they are valid at the time of your death. If a reversionary nomination is not valid at the time of death, we will take it into account in deciding how to pay your benefit.
Death and investment options
To help preserve the value of your account balance, upon verification of your death your superannuation balance will be invested in the Defensive investment option. Death benefits received under the Fund’s group insurance policy in respect of your account will be invested in the Defensive investment option. Your nomination will only apply to the account you are currently viewing. If you have multiple accounts with us, you will need to give us a separate nomination for each account.