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Sorry about that. Please log out, then try logging in again to see if that fixes the error.
If the error persists, you can contact our helpline on 1800 021 227, 8am-8pm, Monday to Friday
This important information may relate to your super accounts; we have not taken into consideration your own personal financial circumstances, objectives and needs as your circumstances may be different to other members. If you are in doubt about whether or not a particular provision applies to you or if you simply would like further information, please call us on 1800 021 227.
If you would like someone to help consider your needs before you change your investment strategy you should speak with a licensed or appropriately authorised financial adviser. You should also consider the Product Disclosure Statement, available on the Product Information page.
Your personal information
Providing up to date information about Your Personal Details is really important. Your Personal Details shows the most up to date information on you, including information on your:
If any of the information we have about you is not up to date and you would like to change it, you can by pressing 'Edit'. If you can't change the information on this page, please call us on 1800 021 227.
Please be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for your request or changes to be shown in your Personal Details page. Alternatively, please call us on 1800 021 227 to request for these changes to be made.
1. Contact Details
It is important we have the most up to date information about your contact details. You can update your email, phone number or address and these will be updated across any listed linked accounts.
By providing your email address and/or mobile phone number you:
2. Update your PIN/Password
Remembering your Password can be a challenge, therefore we suggest you:
Change your Password to something you can remember easily (but that someone else can't guess).
Pick any combination of letters and numbers (between 4 to 8 characters) to help make your Password easy to remember.
Remember to keep your Password secure so that only you can access your confidential information on this website. Your Password change will be effective immediately.
3. TFN Collection Statement
Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, Australian Ethical Super is authorised to collect, use and disclose your tax file number.
The Trustee of Australian Ethical Super may disclose your tax file number to another superannuation provider, when your benefits are being transferred, unless you request the trustee of your superannuation fund in writing that your tax file number not be disclosed to any other superannuation provider.
Declining to quote your tax file number to the trustee of your superannuation fund is not an offence. However giving your tax file number to your superannuation fund will have the following advantages:
If you provide your TFN and you do a ‘Find my Super’ search you are giving consent to use your TFN to search for other super you may have:
Once you have provided your consent above, it will remain effective until such time as you advise us to remove it. To remove consent please contact us on 1800 021 227.
4. Request Centrelink Schedule (if applicable)
You can request a copy of your Centrelink schedule. Generally this will be posted to you within 3-5 business days.
5. Contribute via BPAY® (if applicable)
BPAY provides you with an easy and convenient way to make voluntary personal after-tax contributions to your super account.
Contributions can be made by phone or internet from your bank, building society, credit union or debit card account. Please note that payments to your super account using BPAY cannot be made from credit card accounts.
How to make a BPAY payment
Contact your bank, credit union or building society to make a payment from your savings or cheque account through the Internet or over the phone.
Use the biller code and your personal reference number
Write down or print your receipt number.
Important payment clearance and processing information
Please note that you must ensure you submit your payment at least three business days before any applicable deadlines to allow for the clearance and processing of your funds into your super account.
Financial institution fees
Your bank, credit union or building society may charge you a transaction fee for using BPAY. Australian Ethical Super does not charge any fees for making contributions by BPAY.