We've made some changes to your account

As you’re either no longer employed by , or have requested they make your super contributions to another fund, we’ve made some changes to your account.

We understand that super can be complex, so we've made this transition as easy as possible by detailing all of the changes to your account on the following pages.

Corporate Super Account

Account Number
Individual Super Account

Account Number
Plan fees
Any fees or insurance premiums which were previously paid for by will now be funded from your account. Standard fees will apply to your account. You can find further information on the fees you pay in the Product Disclosure Statement, available in the 'Documents' section of your online account.

Your Personal Details

To ensure we keep in touch, let's check we've got your most up-to-date details.

You can update your details by heading to the 'Personal Details' section of your online account at the end of this process.

Check your email address is up-to-date
If the email address linked to your account is associated with a previous employer, we strongly recommend you update it on the ‘Personal Details’ page of your online account. This will help ensure you don’t miss out on any future communications from us.

Need to update your contact details?
Remind me at the end to update my contact details
We haven't got your Tax File Number (TFN)
You can update your TFN by heading to the 'Personal Details' section of your online account at the end of this process.

Need to update your TFN?
Remind me at the end to update my TFN.

Super choice

No matter where you go, your super can come with you - we're here to help simplify the process. Let your employer know where to pay your super by providing them a Super Choice Form. 

By adding a digital signature, and clicking the 'Download' button below, we can fill out the form for you - all you need to do is send it to your employer.

Member's digital signature
Want to send your Super Choice form to your employer?
Remind me to send a Super Choice form to my employer

Investment Details

As part of the transfer from your account in your employer plan, where possible we've placed your super in the same investment options. 

Where an investment option isn't available, we've placed your super in the investment option that most closely aligns with the old one. It’s easy to make a change to your investment options by heading to the 'Investments' section of your online account.

Corporate Super Account

Investment option Current $
Total Investments
Individual Super Account

Investment option Current $
Total Investments
You can make a change to your investment options at any time by heading to the 'Investments' section of your online account.
Want to change your investment options?
Remind me at the end to change my investment options.

Insurance Details

As part of the changes to your account there may be some updates to your insurance, including different terms, conditions, cover types and premium costs.

The table below shows details of your previous and new insurance.

Corporate Super account

Death cover
Total and Permanent Disability cover
Income Protection cover
Retained or Individual Super Account

Death cover
Total and Permanent Disability cover
Income Protection cover
Insurance premium

The Death and TPD Cover shown is the amount insured with the plan's insurer. This is different to the Death and TPD Benefit shown online which is the amount of cover plus your super balance.

Important Information

If prior to this change your employer paid for your insurance premiums, this arrangement will have now ceased. Your insurance cover will automatically be maintained as part of these changes and Insurance premiums deducted from your account monthly if you meet the following criteria:
• you’re aged 25 years or older, and
• your account balance is, or was $6,000 or more at some point in time.

If you don’t meet this criteria and would like insurance cover, you can either:
• elect to maintain your previous insurance cover, or
• if you didn’t have insurance cover, opt-in for insurance cover.

To commence this process please call our Helpline on 1800 682 525. They’ll provide you with the form applicable to your plan as well as other relevant information. Please ensure that you do this as soon as possible, as depending on your plan, the form may need to completed and returned within 30 days of these changes being made to your account.

Income Protection cover
If you held Income Protection cover which has now ceased and you would like to reinstate it please call our Helpline for further information. Please ensure that you do this as soon as possible, as depending on your plan, this reinstatement may need to be completed within 30 days of these changes being made to your account.      

Next Steps
• Read the information and review the Product Disclosure Statement and Insurance Booklet available in the 'Documents' section of your online account.
• Consider whether the type and amount of insurance cover you hold is appropriate and affordable for your objectives, circumstances, and needs.
• If you want to keep this cover, ensure you have sufficient funds in your account to pay for premiums which will be deducted from your account monthly.

Want to change your insurance options?

Remind me at the end to change my insurance options.


The beneficiaries you previously held on your account remain unchanged.

Your named beneficiary Relationship to you % of your benefit Type of Beneficiary
You have the flexibility to update your beneficiaries, add additional beneficiaries, or remove your current beneficiaries at any time.

We can remind you of this and provide further information at the end of this process.

Need to update your beneficiary?
Remind me at the end to update my beneficiary

Additional Information

Third Party Authority (TPA) or Advice Fee
If you received a new account number
If prior to the transfer you had a Third Party Authority, Advice Fee or Power of Attorney arrangement linked to your account these will need to be re-established.

If you'd like a Third Party Authority or Advice Fee arrangement to continue on your new account you can re-establish them by completing the 'Third Party Authority' form, or the 'Advice Fee Deduction' form. You can access these forms by going to the 'Documents' section of your online account, and then heading to the 'Member forms' dropdown menu.

If you'd like to re-establish a Power of Attorney on your new account please call our Helpline on 1800 682 525. Our team will then walk you through the process, step-by-step.

If your account number remained the same
If prior to the transfer you had a Third Party Authority, Advice Fee or Power of Attorney arrangement linked to your account these will continue.

You're all set up!

As a Mercer Super member you'll continue to benefit from some of the lowest administration fees in the Australian superannuation market, coupled with our history of strong past performance.*

In addition you can also continue to take advantage of our financial advice tools and services, super education material and webinars, as well as our ageing care support service, Care & Living with Mercer – all at no additional cost.

Need to make a change to your account? Any of the boxes with an outline around them are where you requested us to remind you to take an action.

By clicking on the box a new window will open, sending you to the appropriate section of your online account.

*For further information on our low administration fees and strong performance, please see mercersuper.com.au/compare.