TFN Collection Statement
Superannuation legislation authorises the Trustee to collect your Tax File Number (TFN), which will only be used for legal purposes. These purposes may change in the future as a result of legislative change. The Trustee may disclose your TFN to another super provider when your benefit is being transferred unless you request (in writing) that your TFN is not to be disclosed to any other trustee.
You are not required to provide your TFN and declining to do so is not an offence. However, giving your TFN to the Trustee will have the following advantages (which may not otherwise apply):
- the Trustee will be able to accept all types of contributions to your Super Account (subject to Trustee discretion);
- the tax on contributions to your Super Account will not increase;
- other than the tax that may ordinarily apply, no additional tax will be deducted when you start receiving your super benefit; and
- it will make it easier to trace different super accounts in your name so that you may receive all your super benefits when you retire.
If you have an Income Account, you do not provide your TFN and you are under age 60, tax will be deducted from your income payments at the top marginal tax rate plus Medicare levy from the taxable component of any lump sum withdrawal. (This does not apply for Beneficiary Members with an Income Account or reversionary beneficiaries who continue to receive income payments from Qantas Super and the deceased member was aged 60 or more at the date of death.)
The Qantas Group will automatically provide the TFN to Qantas Super for new employees who provide their TFN to the Qantas Group. To check whether Qantas Super has your TFN, log into your account online or contact us.
Using your TFN to search for your super
If you provide us with consent to search for your other super using the search facility available on Qantas Super’s member website:
- You authorise the Trustee to use your TFN to search for any super monies held in your name using the ATO SuperMatch facility. This may identify insurance cover held in another superannuation fund;
- You authorise super monies held by the ATO in your name to be automatically transferred into your Qantas Super account. We will notify you of any amounts transferred. The monies held by the ATO include superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions, superannuation holding accounts (SHA), superannuation co-contributions, low income superannuation contributions and unclaimed superannuation monies; and
- We will provide you with information about other superannuation accounts held in your name and how to consolidate your other accounts into your Qantas Super account.
Please note, there is a risk that the balance of any super monies held by the ATO or in other super funds may have changed since it was last reported to the ATO.
Once you have provided your consent above, it will remain effective until such time as you advise us to remove it, and we may run a search for your other super from time to time. You can remove your consent at any time by calling us on 1300 362 967.