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If the error persists, you can contact us on 1300 362 967
To make sure your money goes to the people who are important to you, let us know who they are.
Learn about the different types of beneficiary nominations and how you can make them.
To make a:
What type of nomination have I made?
If an expiry date appears in the table below you have made a binding nomination. If no expiry date appears your nomination is non-binding.
+ Add more | Total Percentage should be 100%. Please enter % (>0 and <=100) Total beneficiary percentage must add up to 100%. If you genuinely want to remove all your beneficiaries, you will need to contact the Helpline. | |
You can not provide more than 8 preferred beneficiaries. |
By clicking submit, I confirm that I have read, understood and
agreed to the Important Information and wish to update my
Non-binding beneficiaries.
I consent to my information being collected, disclosed and used in the manner set out in our Policy.
Your beneficiary changes have been confirmed and your receipt number is below.
Receipt number: #receipt |
Changes to your beneficiaries will only appear after they have been processed, this can take up to 24 hours.