Your BPAY® biller code and reference number are located at the bottom of the Personal Details page underneath Communication Preferences. You can use these details to make a payment through your online banking account. Please allow three business days for a payment to be processed. If you’re claiming a tax deduction, electronic payments need to be received by Tuesday 25 June to ensure they’re processed before the end of the financial year. Payments by cheque will need to be received by Tuesday 18 June.
If you intend to claim a tax deduction, please complete and return your Notice of Intent to Claim a Deduction form back to us.
Note: Before submitting the notice of intent form, you should first review how claiming a deduction could affect you, if you’re eligible, and what the limits are. We suggest you seek financial advice before claiming a deduction – for more information see Claiming a tax deduction.
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.