Oops, there's been an unexpected error.
Sorry about that. Please log out, then try logging in again to see if that fixes the error.
If the error persists, you can contact our helpline on 0508 637 237, 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.
If using this estimate for a withdrawal, please note that in order to calculate your withdrawal amount, we will use the unit prices available at the time we process the withdrawal. You will not receive a unit price for a date earlier than the date your withdrawal form is received (note unit prices for each business day are generally available two business days later). Payments may take up to five business days to process from when we receive the required withdrawal form. In some circumstances, withdrawals will take longer to process if your withdrawal form is not fully complete or your withdrawal requires additional approval.
Unit prices can change daily i.e. these can go down or up. This means that if you are making a full withdrawal the total amount you receive may vary from any earlier balance estimate provided. At the time of the withdrawal you may have had other deductions processed to your account balance, such as for tax and fees. Unit prices can be viewed when you sign into your account online at www.mercerfinancialservices.co.nz.
While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the information contained in this estimate is correct, the Manager reserves the right to correct any error or omission. You should not enter any commitments based solely on the information contained in this estimate.
If you require further information about your account, please contact us.