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Sorry about that. Please log out, then try logging in again to see if that fixes the error.
If the error persists, you can contact our helpline on 0508 637 237, 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Sorry about that. Please log out, then try logging in again to see if that fixes the error.
If the error persists, you can contact our helpline on 0508 637 237, 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Submit your enquiry online. We will generally respond within 1-2 business days.
For urgent or more complex enquiries, please call us on:
Language assistance
Mercer can help you in a number of languages. To use our translation service simply ask for a translator when you call.
Write to us
Mercer KiwiSaver scheme OR Mercer FlexiSaver OR Mercer Super Trust
C/- Mercer NZ
PO Box 1849
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
To contact the Mercer Privacy Officer, or Complaints Officer, please write to the appropriate officer at:
C/- Mercer New Zealand
PO Box 105591, Auckland 1143
New Zealand
Keep in touch
Important Information: By providing your email address and/or mobile phone number, you agree that the we may use your email address and/or mobile phone number to send you information concerning your investments electronically (which may include a link to a website from where it can be downloaded) including annual reports, member and exit statements, member publications and (unless you have requested us not to do so) for marketing and research purposes. You understand that you can change your preferences for how you receive communications from us at any time by updating your preferences online. Some investors (e.g. if you are a family trust) will not be able to update preferences and details online, but can do so by calling us on 0508 637 237 or +61 3 8687 1886 if calling from outside of New Zealand.
Thank you your enquiry has been submitted
We will contact you via the email address you provided within 48 hours of receiving your enquiry.