Grow your super by making after-tax contributions using BPAY®.
To make a BPAY payment:
- Go to the Personal Details page and scroll down past the ‘Communications Preferences’ section, where you will find the BPAY section.
- Make note of your Biller Code and personal Reference Number. You’ll need these details in step 4.
- Phone or log onto your bank or financial institution and select BPAY as a payment type.
- Enter the details from step 2, the payment amount and confirm the transaction.
- If you intend to claim a tax deduction for this contribution, complete the ATO’s Notice of Intent To Claim A Tax Deduction and return it to us at NGS Super Customer Service Team, GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001.
You can set up one-off payments or regular BPAY payments. Find more information about using BPAY at or by contacting your bank or financial institution. We suggest you allow up to three days for the payment to be processed.