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Consolidate Your Super
We’ll do the hard work for you
Consolidating is easy. Simply select “Find my super” and we’ll search for your super with other finds and the ATO, then you can choose to leave your money with the existing fund, or consolidate it into your Virgin Money Super account.
Important information
It’s important that you make an informed choice if you’re thinking about consolidating your super to ensure you are selecting the right fund for you.
Before consolidating your super, remember that it’s important to check with your fund to see if there are any associated transfer fees. You could also potentially lose important insurance cover, or be subject to tax implications, if you transfer funds.
Prior to consolidating we recommend you seek financial advice. Our Customer Care Advice team can provide financial advice about your super fund at no additional cost. You can make an appointment with this team by calling our Customer Care team on 1300 652 770 between 8am-6pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday-Friday.
Find My Super
Hold tight! The search is being performed with the ATO and can take up to two minutes to complete. Your results will be displayed below once completed.
Confirm your request
Please review the information provided below before submitting your consolidation request.
Please note: The information displayed (including balances) is at the last date reported to the ATO. The actual balance amount may vary.
Fund Name | Member Client Number | Amount to Consolidate |
If you have the account details of your other super accounts handy,
click 'Combine super' and you can manually instead enter in the super fund you are consolidating from.